NOAH fulfills a very important social and environmental role and we take our social responsibility very seriously. Employees or others who report are therefore an important resource for the company. NOAH's reporting routines are part of a comprehensive effort to properly exercise our social responsibility and must ensure compliance with our ethical guidelines.
All inquiries reported about potentially objectionable conditions are taken seriously. NOAH has drawn up routines to ensure that the notification is properly processed.
NOAH does not accept any form of retaliation such as dismissal, criticism or the like towards the person who has notified in good faith. NOAH's notification routines can be found here: Notification routines in NOAH.
Notification form
Matters notified through this form go to the notification committee consisting of the HR manager, Quality Manager and Chief Safety Officer. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the information may also be made known to the person(s) to whom the notice is directed. The information is treated confidentially. You can also send a notification directly by email to compliance@noah.no.
We ask you to fill in your contact information so that we can contact you further. If there are several of you who know about the relationship, you can submit a joint notice. You can request a copy of this document with the signature of the notification recipient. In order to provide good help, we need as much relevant information as possible, so attach documents if necessary. It is technically possible to notify anonymously, but we do not recommend this. Anonymous notification will make it more difficult to clarify the objectionable conditions and take measures, and means that you cannot get information about the processing of the case.