
Reception of ordinary waste

Large construction projects generate large amounts of contaminated mass. Much of this is classified as ordinary waste.

NOAH accepts ordinary waste and uses this to rehabilitate Langøya outside Holmestrand after 100 years of limestone extraction. An important prerequisite for such application is the implementation of measures that ensure control of any pollution to the surroundings. NOAH's aim with the handling of ordinary masses is that the waste should have a useful value beyond the storage itself.

Among the ordinary waste masses NOAH accepts Langøya is slightly contaminated soil from large construction projects and sediments from the clean-up of ports. Rehabilitation of Slottsplassen and Stortinget and the clean-up of Horten Harbor are examples of projects that have delivered masses to Langøya In recent years.

Read more about different types of waste that are deposited/stored in Chapter 9 of the Waste Regulations.

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