Sustainability in NOAH
NOAH processes waste in a way that is safe for the environment and in line with society's wishes. We have high ambitions when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and developing new technology.
NOAH is a company with sustainability at its core. Research and development of new technological solutions and collaboration with various actors leads to better and new solutions for the recovery of resources and reduces the need for landfill. In 2018, we set ourselves two overarching goals for greenhouse gas reduction and fossil-free operation.
More and more hazardous waste
In 2023, NOAH handled a total of 1 tonnes of waste. This is residual waste that has arisen from the incineration and energy utilization of waste from households and businesses. The waste comes i.a. from the manufacture and use of completely ordinary products such as paint, chewing gum and fish balls and when carrying out large and small building and construction projects. At the same time that we humans consume more, the number of substances that are defined as dangerous increases, and thus more and more hazardous waste is produced. However, society's expectations for recycling, reuse and utilization are increasing. NOAH takes part in this development with a knowledge-based and sustainable approach.
Open and responsible
For NOAH, sustainability reporting underpins transparency and accountability. The sustainability report explains how we, as a social actor, handle our impact on the society around us and how our business contributes to creating value from an economic, social and environmental perspective.
NOAH has carried out an analysis of our environmental impact through an environmental account. This is to get a better overview of which activities and services have the highest greenhouse gas emissions. We also have an ambitious environmental policy, which together with i.a. our ethical guidelines help to clarify our priorities and our driving role towards customers, suppliers, our own employees and society at large.
The report describes NOAH's role and future ambitions, and highlights the company's contribution back to society at large.
Develop new solutions
- With safe handling as the first priority, we will continue to be the world leader in safe treatment. At the same time, we must contribute to reducing the amount of hazardous waste and manage the areas we affect as best as possible, says Adm.dir. Anders Lægreid.
NOAH's work is inspired by the UN's sustainability goals and we have chosen a set of goals where NOAH can contribute most directly:
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9: Innovation and infrastructure
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Goal 14: Life under water
Goal 15: Life on land
Goal 17: Cooperation to achieve the goals.
We have chosen to report according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard, an internationally recognized standard for reporting on economic, environmental and social conditions.