NOAH makes industrial value chains cleaner
NOAH receives waste for treatment, neutralization and disposal at Langøya. Harmful substances are removed from the circuit to avoid harm to the environment and people. Received on Langøya is therefore an important national resource that enables a sustainable industry through e.g. purification of flue gas from waste incineration and stabilization of waste substances from industrial production.
Requirements and regulations
Reception and treatment are strictly regulated through the Waste Regulations and the permits and frameworks granted by the Norwegian Environment Agency.
Information about reception is publicly available, where all Nordic waste is reported in detail to the authorities. All international receipts are notified in accordance with regulations and is available on the Environment Agency's website.
The waste regulations and permit set the framework for NOAH's operation
Chapter 11 of the Waste Regulations defines what is hazardous waste and what is ordinary waste; and thus whether the waste should be deposited in OA (ordinary waste) or FA (hazardous waste) landfill. And it is the waste producer who assesses whether the waste meets requirements for ordinary or hazardous waste. At NOAH's well-equipped laboratory, content and leakage properties are analyzed for safe reception and treatment.
- A total of approx. 814 tonnes of waste was received Langøya.
- The reception was divided into 13 small and large deliveries.
- The smallest delivery is 35 kg, the largest delivery is 4 tonnes, delivered in bulk.