On Langøya we receive and process inorganic residual fractions from industry. We have two central social missions; We are infrastructure to ensure that Norwegian industry avoids environmentally hazardous emissions from its production, and we restore Langøyas damaged nature from 100 years of limestone extraction.
Around 70 Norwegian industrial companies supply inorganic residual fractions to Langøya. The largest deliveries are thin acid from Norwegian industry and fly ash from incineration plants. In addition, we receive and process residual fractions from processing and production companies all over the country.
The residual fractions come in with environmentally hazardous properties. In the processing plant, we utilize the chemistry in different residual fractions so that the end product is a filter cake in which environmentally hazardous properties have been greatly reduced or removed. Our aim is to minimize the use of virgin raw materials, chemicals, electricity and water. The filter cake becomes mechanically and chemically stable. It has low leaching of environmentally hazardous substances, and is well suited for building material and for rebuilding the craters from the limestone extraction.
Bulk shipping is our biggest environmental footprint. In order to reduce the number of heavy vehicles through the center of Holmestrand, we are moving transport from car to boat as far as possible. In addition, car transport will be transferred to electric, autonomous ferries directly from Moss to Langøya; and we avoid driving through the city centre. We are also working to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases through the use of biodiesel, and the introduction of hybrid ships for the transport of masses in bulk.
Filling in the craters and building up of Langøyas topography is done through active landfill operations. The operation is subject to strict requirements regulated by the Norwegian Environment Agency. There are strict requirements for barriers to emissions and monitoring of emissions to air and water. As regulatory authority, the Norwegian Environment Agency closely follows up and supervises NOAH's operations Langøya.
The restored craters are sealed, re-vegetated and opened as open air areas available for public use. The northern part of Langøya is open with hiking trails, gap huts for accommodation, a boat harbor and a sculpture park that tells the story Langøyas history. The northern part of the island and along the coast to the east is a nature reserve with protected nature to protect rich deposits of fossils.
Langøya is one of Norway's largest nature restoration projects. Above the filled area, so-called open shallow limestone ground is established; a species-rich, but highly threatened nature type.
For 30 years, we have received and processed residual fractions from industry, and filled in the craters Langøya. In cooperation, Norwegian industry has avoided pollution and delivers residual fractions for proper treatment. Going forward, we must also utilize resources in waste, and we must reduce the need for landfill. We therefore work to achieve recycling and resource utilization from what we have previously considered waste. Our vision for the future is that Langøya is a natural gem in the Oslofjord, and that we operate production of secondary raw materials on Langøyas industrial area.