
Apprentices are the skills of the future

NOAH is a competence company with employees from a wide and varied range of professional disciplines. To ensure future competence and help take responsibility for the educations, NOAH takes on new apprentices every year.

NOAH mostly has three to four students as apprentices. Most of them work in the laboratory, in operations or in the maintenance department. They come from subjects such as chemistry/process, industrial subjects and mechanics from all over Vestfold and Telemark. For many, the apprenticeship is the start of a longer career in the company.
"All of NOAH's apprentices in recent years have received professional certificates, many with good results. It is gratifying to see that so many of our apprentices pass their diploma with good marks, and that so many get a job at NOAH after completing their apprenticeship with us," says personnel manager Svanhild Rindalsholt.

Part of our social responsibility

NOAH's employees range from unskilled workers to employees with a doctorate. Among the subjects NOAH represents are chemical process, electricity, maintenance, mechanics, logistics, engineering and economics.

For long-term employee technical laboratory assistant Tommy Breda, it meant getting an apprenticeship Langøya in his time an opportunity to be able to educate himself for what he wanted. Breda completed her education at Holmestrand VGS and received her diploma in October 2019.

- For NOAH, competence development is both strategically important work to ensure the right and sufficient competence to run an environmental and resource company now and in the future, while also being part of our social responsibility, says human resources manager Rindalsholt, and adds:

"The young people who come to us are the resources and expertise of the future. We feel that they learn a lot and enjoy themselves. On Langøya they get to take an active part in the operation and get exciting tasks from the start," says Svanhild.

Anh has an internship at NOAH on Langøya in 2022/23. She really enjoys her job, and feels that they get to use both theory and skills from school. Photo: Unni Claussen/NOAH
Front row: Shawn Jordan (18), Michelle Hovland Gjesdal (19) and Tobias Lund Hagen (17).


If you have questions about an apprenticeship at NOAH: Contact Svanhild Svanhild Rindalsholt,, +47 926 55 500.

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