How to deliver
From the time the waste problem has arisen until it is resolved, the following course of action can be followed:
NOAH has established a customer portal where you as a customer/supplier can register new deliveries, take out reports on waste that has been delivered and view attachments to your invoices. You can find this customer portal in the right menu on this page.
NOAH pre-evaluates all factions that are admitted to Langøya. If you wish to deliver waste, please contact Below you will find information that is relevant regarding the delivery.
NB: Please note that the paper-based system for declaring hazardous waste and radioactive waste is being discontinued. The website is already available, and we ask our customers to use electronic declaration as soon as possible. This is the most rational and precise way to declare.
Documentation basis and basic characterization
The waste owner is responsible for documenting the waste in the form of analyses, environmental reports or other chemical investigations. NOAH also has its own laboratory which can assist in this work. In addition to documentation, requirements are set for a basic characterization form, which the customer is responsible for filling in (link on the right). This information must be sent to NOAH for a preliminary assessment.
Logistics solutions
For smaller deliveries that arrive by car Langøya the customer himself arranges for the transport of the masses. The customer or carrier calls NOAH's reception themselves to book a place on the ferry over to Langøya, when the reception agreement is in place. For larger projects, NOAH can take responsibility for transporting the masses by boat from the relevant location. Contact the marketing department to get more information about the options for shipping bulk to Langøya.
Offer - prices and delivery conditions
Price of processing and shipping, and any public charges are obtained from the marketing department. The processing of an inquiry depends on the complexity of the waste and the information received. For faster case processing, customers are encouraged to send what information is available.
Reception agreement
Before delivery can take place, a receipt agreement must be in place. The acceptance agreement contains one or more agreement numbers, which are the reference to the waste to be delivered. Other information such as price and payment terms are also described in the acceptance agreement. The agreement number is given when booking a place on the ferry, or when booking a boat.
Declaration and delivery documentation
All hazardous waste and NORM waste that comes in Langøya must be declared. Waste is declared on
The declaration form must accompany the delivery from the location, and therefore also serves as a transport document for dangerous goods. For ordinary waste, there is no need for a declaration form, but there is still a requirement for documentation in the form of a delivery note.
EAL codes and waste substance number
EAL code stands for the European waste list, and is a six-digit code found in The waste transfer ch. 11. This code indicates the origin, type and characteristics of the waste. Waste substance number is based on waste type or property. Both the EAL code and the waste substance number must be given during basic characterization and upon delivery.