
NOAH's owner

NOAH AS is part of a group structure which in turn is 2000 percent owned by Gjelsten Holding, a privately owned company established in XNUMX by Bjørn Rune Gjelsten.

The Gjelsten group bases its values ​​on entrepreneurial spirit, focus and long-term perspective. Gjelsten Holding's strategy is property investment and development, as well as strategic investments in industrial and trading companies. Read more about the companies in the Gjelsten group here .

The Gjelsten family

The company's logo, which contains an eagle and a lily, is inspired by a family coat of arms from the 1500th century, and the Gjelsten family's ancestry goes back to the Gjelsten and Nakken farms northeast of Ålesund. The family's history is marked by both trade and business development.

From 1871, the trading company PA Gjelsten operated a significant business in trade and shipping from Fiksdal, which until the First World War was one of the largest trading centers between Trondheim and Bergen.

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